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Archive for category: Allgemein


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Special Picks for June

Special Picks for June

And now that at the proper time and place, after so long and wide a preliminary cruise, Ahab,—all other whaling waters swept—seemed to have chased his foe into an ocean-fold, to slay him the more securely there; now, that he found himself hard by the very latitude and longitude where his tormenting wound had been inflicted; now that a vessel had been spoken which on the very day preceding had actually encountered Moby Dick;—and now that all his successive meetings with various ships contrastingly concurred to show the demoniac indifference with which the white whale tore his hunters, whether sinning or sinned against; now it was that there lurked a something in the old man’s eyes, which it was hardly sufferable for feeble souls to see. As the unsetting polar star, which through the livelong, arctic, six months‘ night sustains its piercing, steady, central gaze; so Ahab’s purpose now fixedly gleamed down upon the constant midnight of the gloomy crew. It domineered above them so, that all their bodings, doubts, misgivings, fears, were fain to hide beneath their souls, and not sprout forth a single spear or leaf.

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Takkt Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2014

Takkt Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2014

Donec at nisi molestie, imperdiet enim id, mollis nulla. Nullam lacinia nisi commodo turpis porta, eget luctus urna bibendum. Fusce egestas quis diam placerat porta. Aliquam adipiscing, urna in vulputate malesuada, nulla orci euismod neque, nec porttitor sem urna ac nisl. Ut vel orci ante. Donec et ante nec augue iaculis convallis. Donec venenatis mi a quam pellentesque, quis vehicula purus auctor. Morbi lacinia neque vel lectus ullamcorper tincidunt.

Praesent eu nunc tincidunt, convallis sem sed, faucibus odio. Suspendisse ipsum ipsum, lacinia ac gravida non, consectetur quis elit. In dui diam, tempor dictum suscipit ac, lacinia nec arcu. Morbi consequat vel lorem ut vestibulum. Nunc in commodo quam. Proin ut varius nisi. Morbi sodales laoreet nunc, a adipiscing mauris suscipit ac.

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